Luxurious Memory Foam Comfort Slippers
FREE just pay $10.95 S&P
When it comes to the end of the day, all we want is to slip on a pair of slippers and relax our stressed-out feet. As our way of thanking you for your order today, we want to send you a pair of Total Relief Comfort Slippers ABSOLUTELY FREE, all you pay is the $10.95 Shipping and Processing each!
These super comfortable slippers will calm even the most tired feet, and are designed with the same memory foam that’s found only in the most expensive slippers! For a limited time, you may select below to order up to 3 pairs.
What our customers are saying

"Wearing Superthotics has definitely relieved all of the pain in my feet and my back."

Joseph Scotto - 49
NYC Social Worker

"I didn't have that tingling in my heel, and my feet didn't feel tired. “

Michelle Cromer - 49
NYC School Teacher

"I was very skeptical. It actually worked and there was no pain. I was shocked."

Sandy Natelli - 52
Stay-at-home Mom