“The things I measure myself by are the kinds of things my grandfather measured himself by—doing the right thing over the expedient thing.”
Lots of little kids dream about what they want to be when they grow up. But what Peter Spiegel dreamt of, as a grade-schooler in Long Island, NY, was how he could make the world a better place for everyone. A specific career path was yet to emerge, but his inner consciousness spoke clearly: He should be of service to the world and take on its greatest challenges.
Graduating from high school, Peter became immersed in a quest to understand his life’s purpose and how to achieve permanent happiness. He lived and worked on an organic farm in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains. Seeking to improve himself –– and to enhance the lives of others and help them thrive –– he studied and taught meditation. He learned Chinese medicine with world-renowned doctors in London and lectured on alternative medicine in New York City. He then rolled all of his experiences, plus coursework in anatomy and physiology, into a degree in Human Development from the State University of New York. After graduation, desiring to earn a living consistent with his values, Peter bootstrapped a small natural foods company into a successful business, which he sold in 1989.
Seeking to have a bigger platform for his ideas, Peter then became a pioneer in the emerging television direct to consumer marketing channel, coupling mass communication with first-of-their-kind product innovations –– providing real solutions to real problems. His innovations were in such demand that they were sought out and sold at big box stores like Walmart, Bed Bath and Beyond, Target and Costco, making them accessible to everyone.
In 2007, Peter bought out his business partners and committed to dedicate his product innovation, marketing skills and all the resources of his company to improve the health and quality of life of his customers. On that principle, he was joined by his life partner, Katie Williams, to found Ideal Living, an ethical and socially responsible company with the mission to ensure everyone has access to pure air and water, and a solid foundation for wellness. All these years later, Peter Spiegel has found the happiness he searched for in his life’s purpose of serving others.